relationship tools

The Case for Personal Space

The wonderful website, Start Marriage Right, published an article of mine on why personal space is both scary and important. Take a look through the link below.

"With our partners, we are at our most vulnerable. They hold our hearts, and sometimes, it seems, our very sanity. Intertwined lives create interdependence and our emotions, finances, and identity can become tightly bound together, further increasing the risk we take when we trust another."

"The reality is that we cannot ever be someone’s ‘everything’, even if we may want to be. We want to be the sole provider of happiness to our partners because it makes us feel safe. But nothing is ever certain and the only thing we can ever do is believe in our own value and give each other the space to pursue what ignites them."

#staymarried blog

I had a chance to talk with amazing Michelle and Tony of the #staymarried blog. A podcast will be coming later but in the meantime, they included Relationship Reveal in a list of 12 awesome marriage resources that aren't books.  Check it out!  Thank you both!  

"This is a game unlike any other. Instead of finishing ahead of your opponent or scoring more points, the point of this “game” is to gain understanding – of yourself and your partner. Relationship Reveal was designed by Sandra Fischer, a professional writer and consultant with a diverse background specializing in communications, people development, and optimizing organizational effectiveness. Her expertise comes through in the design of the game. Tony and I took it with us on a weekend getaway and had one of the most revealing conversations we’ve ever had! You can find it here."